Operation Liberation is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and finding permanent homes for non-human animals and providing humanitarian relief and assistance to people in low income, at risk- or disaster-stricken regions. Operation Liberation provides communities with access to animal care, companion food relief, as well as healthy plant based food to do our small part in promoting sustainable changes in the lives of human and non-human animals.

Operation Liberation works tirelessly to make a difference in our local community, throughout the US and abroad. Whether we are participating in a local TNR program for community cats, rehabilitating sick and orphaned animals, assisting with an ongoing cruelty or hoarding case, responding to disaster events, or helping you find the perfect companion, we are doing it with unwavering passion and commitment.


Our team responds to community requests for TNR or Trap-Neuter-Return services to humanely reduce the number of free roaming cats in South Florida. TNR is a humane solution that alleviates suffering by reducing the number of cats born into unfortunate circumstances and providing sterilization services, vaccines and veterinary care to community cats. Nearly all of the adoptable cats in our care come from unmanaged colonies. To ensure the cycle of suffering ends, we TNR all cats at each location where kittens are found and place adoptable animals in living homes.
Our team has assisted with disaster relief efforts in North Carolina, the Florida Panhandle, Miami, The Bahamas and Louisiana. We are also part of a network of rescues that assist with transporting animals from Puerto Rico to homes in regions of the US that have smaller populations of dogs and cats. We have assisted hundreds of animals in need and delivered essential aid to those affected by these devastating storms.
We also provide plant based food assistance to local community members and their non human companions. In 2020, Operation Liberation co-hosted three community food drives, a back to school event for at risk youth and assisted in providing a struggling family with essentials.

We work closely with other rescues, non profit organizations and good Samaritans to help facilitate the transport, rehabilitation, vetting and placement of animals. We take on many critical and high risk cases to prevent euthanasia and suffering. We also rescue, rehabilitate and eventually find permanent homes for sick, orphaned or injured animals who find their way into our care. In 2020, we rescued, transported and adopted out over 300 animals. If you are interested in adopting a companion (or two), please complete an application, available on our website.
Operation Liberation has documented and investigated animal cruelty and oppressive events, facilities and rituals across four continents. Our work has contributed to ongoing cruelty investigations and campaigns. We have assisted with the removal, rehabilitation and adoption of animals who have fallen victim of hoarding, neglect and cruelty. We are often among first responders to some of the most challenging rescue situations.